x3org, 27.06.03, 15:03


Media Station TR-2000 basiert auf SiS550-Chip und Linux

sis tr-2000

Der Chiphersteller Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS), der PC-Hersteller FIC und der Software-Entwickler NUMA haben die gemeinsame Entwicklung eines "Home Media Station TR-2000" getauften Digitalvideorekorders bekannt gegeben. Das mit Netzwerkanschluss und Festplatte bestückte Gerät basiert auf einem SiS550-Chip.

Neben der Möglichkeit, Fernsehsendungen aufzunehmen und dies auch per Netzwerk über einen Webbrowser zu steuern, sollen die erfolgten Aufzeichnungen zum Editieren oder Betrachten auch auf einen im Netzwerk oder im Internet befindlichen PC kopiert werden können. Linux dient dabei als Betriebssystem für den x86-basierten SiS550-Chip.

Entwickelt wird das Gerät seit nunmehr sieben Monaten intensiver Zusammenarbeit, so SiS. Neben der Planung der Massenfertigung werden die Partner auch die Zertifizierung mit Drittherstellern durchführen, welche die Home Media Station TR-2000 unter eigener Marke vertreiben wollen. Die Massenproduktion des TR-2000 soll voraussichtlich im August 2003 starten. Funktionsfähige Prototypen sind bereits erfolgreich getestet worden, so SiS in einer Pressemitteilung. Wie viel die Geräte voraussichtlich kosten werden, gaben die Partner noch nicht an.

Mit der für den Information-Appliance-Markt entwickelten Chipfamilie SiS550 hat nun auch SiS seine ersten System-on-Chip-Produkte im Portfolio: Im SiS550 integriert ist ein X86-Prozessor, eine North- und South-Bridge, ein MPEG-2-Decoder und andere erweiterbare Peripherie. Das pinkompatible erweiterte Modell SiS552 verfügt zusätzlich über einen Smart-Card- und einen Memory-Stick-Controller, einen DVD-Wiedergabe-Beschleuniger, einen Video-Eingang und eine Digitalsound-Schnittstelle. Die SiS550-Chipfamilie soll für Smart Displays, Digitalvideorekoder (PVR, DVR), Set-Top-Boxen (STB, VOD) und Heimunterhaltungssysteme geeignet sein.

aus: www.golem.de


Taipei, June 26, 2003 --- Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. (SiS), a leading supplier of core logic chipsets, is working in tandem with FIC and NUMA to develope the Home Media Station TR-2000, a video recording (PVR) product built on the basis of the superb SiS550 Chip. The successful pilot run indicates a better choice for those who are in pursuit of excellent home digital lives.

Based on the Linux operating system, the highly effective SiS550 Chip has made the TR-2000 not only offer a storage function with embedded hard disk but it also contains a built-in Internet audio-video sharing function via a web browser for further enabling the remote control of video recording via the Internet and allowing transmission of films to a computer for editing. All of these bright developments make the TR-2000 Series products the ideal platform for personalized interactive services. In addition to furnishing assistance to FIC in the design of the hardware circuitry, SIS also cooperates with NUMA for the software development and relevant integration. Following seven months of extensive collaboration, the first batch of this new appliance has been successful produced. Besides embarking together on the mass production plan, SiS, FIC and NUMA will also complete the final certification with consumers. Mass production of TR-2000 is projected to begin around August.

According to SiS, the entire market has marveled at and acknowledged the superiorities, stability, and screen smoothness of Home Media Station TR-2000. This new PVR product is equipped with SiS550, a state-of-the-art chip exclusively developed by the IA product division of SiS and coupled with FIC's excellent hardware design and the brilliant software programming by NUMA.

"We believe we'll have a decent share in the market," demonstrated by Michael Chen, the president and CEO of SiS, "SiS sees great promise in its cooperation with FIC and NUMA. FIC is commonly known for its R&D and marketing competences in 3C products and its all-round competitiveness. NUMA, on the other hand, has numerous years of experience in integration of digital video systems in the Linux environment. This project once again demonstrates SiS550 Family's resolution to collaborate with system hardware and software integration companies in the development of embedded information appliances."

"FIC has firmly established itself as an OEM/ODM leader in the motherboard and PC related hardware. The PVR products demanded by the market today share a lot of technologies found in the products in which FIC excels. We feel very excited about the combination of SiS SoC, FIC hardware and NUMA software in bringing a PVR solution to the market," said Chieng-Kuo Lo, CTO of FIC.

"By the end of the year, the digital video recording products are definitely going to be the highly-demanded showpieces of living rooms, and, especially, in the Japanese market the next twelve months" Hu-Chen Chiu, the general manager of NUMA, points out, "It is convinced that the technological strength of the three companies has made TR-2000 a sure winner."

SiS, FIC and NUMA are jointing together in advancing into the market of information appliances ¡V hand in hand. The move is expected to provide powerful, reasonably priced products for the market and stir up a new wave for PVR¡¦s. Digital home life made possible through this high-tech product will no longer be a dream.

About the SiS550 Family - Targeted to the embedded information appliance (IA) market, the SiS550 family represents the first System on Chip (SoC) products from SiS .The SiS550 is a highly integrated chip that includes a X86 CPU, North/South Bridge, MPEG-2 decoder and other expandable peripherals. The SiS552 combines SiS550 with Smart Card controller, Sony¡¦s Memory Stick controller, Slice layer DVD Decoding accelerator, Video Input Port and Consumer Digital Audio Interface.

With its advanced functions, the SiS550 family enhances the developments of entertainment products such as Smart Display, PVR, DVR, STB, VOD and Home Theater. Allowing for easy expansion in product design, the SiS552 design provides pin-to-pin compatible with the SiS550. With its full-featured functionality and complete software support, the SiS550 Family is set to deliver the best price-performance ratio.

aus www.tweak.dk

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